qwertymonk's Post

my teacher is doing an all day puja each day this weekend of which i will be a part of from a distance and it is very powerful to be a part of this and then we just found out that my teacher's wife will be naming children so we can get a name for 2 which has us elated and joyfully searching for the best picture to send in since we did the same thing with 6 when he was tiny we sent in a picture with his name and birthdate and received a specific name for him which has become so powerfully him it is astonishing and the house is a crazy mess as the snow floats down and there's a hundred things i have to do at once but i feel wealthy in so many ways with exquisite qualities of an old beat up rosewood mala around my neck wafting the up the scent up my nostrils and into my heart which in turn radiates outward to everyone and everything i encounter
By: via qwertymonk


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