poetry falcon's Post

an hour later 6 walks in and nonchalantly wakes the toddler up and it's
just like the old days and
i'm angry as hell because
sleeping toddlers don't
just appear it takes a lot
of work so i explain to 6
what the problem is and
he misunderstood what
i said earlier but i have to
leave his space in order
to not shame him to death
the frustration is real and
not helpful so toddler and
i go sit in the breezeway
him yawning me slowly
cooling down and seeing
it's no big deal maybe
toddler will have easy
bedtime this evening or
even both of them but
i'm skeptical of silver
linings because in my
experience things either
get better worse or stay
the same and there is no
guarantee they will go
the way you want or think
By: via poetry falcon


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