poetry falcon's Post

grateful for this opportunity to be here for the boys always and it's still a motherfucker to answer the toddlers cry at ten to six with a full bladder and all of my own needs sitting there next to us as he cries wanting mommy but she just spent a long time with him and would like some more rest and he doesn't care so i use every creative deflection tool i can invent to get his mind and heart and desire into something else which eventually works and then falls apart and everything he wants to do is very loud noisy antithesis of sleep so it's a lot to take on first thing in the morning and only 29 more hours to go and this coffee could be transmogrified into pages of inky words but this will have to do for now and i can't get to my goddamn guitar to play for my band mates oh well one thing at a time
By: via poetry falcon


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