poetry falcon's Post

reading ij [infinite jest] at the bus stop because we got there early and i'm obsessed with it at the moment the end in sight and i don't want it to end but the one dad says SPOILER ALERT HE KILLS HIMSELF and i half laugh and say YEAH I KNOW THAT THANKS and as usual there is an odd social gap with him even though i really like him he can be brittle or maybe has too much to deal with at his business that he spearheaded and continues to perform well so i ask him if he's reading anything good and he says no but he's watching the pbs doc on vietnam and how the first episode is must see because of how all the different asian countries respond to the vacuume there and how it leads to the war and they have very differen takes what their fighting for and why and then we talk about books some more and everyone has opinions about books music movies and it's interesting to a point but usually it seems like people are just trying to look cool to seem cool and you know whay i'm glad you like morissey but i really don't like him and i would listen to him forever on your deathbed if it would help you i could surrender in that it's just my preference not to but opinions of taste get taken way too seriously as if a book is good or bad lately i think it's just what mood i'm in not whether something is good or bad and how much control do you really have over your mood and your taste anyway
By: via poetry falcon


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