qwertymonk's Post

weathered the stormy night and morning head and heart pounding from lack of sleep still the wind outside and abormal warmth are unsettling in light of our global incapability to be gentle to our surroundings me included i get the boys relaxed in front of a movie called cars 3 that they picked and get on the horn to insurance then the clinic then insurance then clinic holding holding then sending email to 7's teacher that i might not be able to volunteer for their reading groups tomororw if he and his brother are still sick then filling out the volunteer application and not having references because i'm a stay at home dad and disconnected to fb messenger some people for their assistance and phone numbers and still have a mountain of dishes laundry and forms to fill out and form to fax and form forms forms and it will all be interrupted soon by sick boys needing needing their tired old daddy this is what happens
By: via qwertymonk


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