poetry falcon's Post

the boys go out and play squirt guns until the rain comes and then we play light sabers in the rain for a while coming in to get some lunch for toddler who is past his naptime then the rain turns to a downpour with some hail which curtails 6 and mom's plan to pick up milkweed plants with caterpillars on them from the local ditch but they head over to our favorite little chinese buffet instead to have a date together 6 is alwasy wanting more mom time as is toddler so then toddler and i work on his nap and it's another motherfucker just like last night and the nap yesterday and the night before and the nap before that and the one he skipped before that so the frustration is building and building and i keep witnessing it feeling and allowing to poof away but toddler knows how to push buttons and i have try about ten different things before i can even get him to chill out enough maybe possibly lay his head on my chest which after a long drawn out frustrating bullshit thing he finally puts his head down and i go through my usually steps to assure he is transferred gently to the bed and then i pass out upstairs the monitor static in the background and the black fan bringing fresh rain air in through the open windows and acros my nostrils as i drift in and out of afternoon sleep
By: via poetry falcon


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