poetry falcon's Post

enough rest is enough and i am grateful even though it doesn't solve everything it's one less thing as i wait on hold to try and reschedule the vasectomy again last time they transferred me and i left a message and haven't heard back in a week but we have to figure this out so that i can get the procedure before the end of the year having used our deductible and hopefully not right on the first day of school with everything that entails and then i'll have a very sore crotch for a few days she said just nap and watch netflix the first day taking percoset and some kind of stool softener because the percoset makes you constipated and that's the last thing you want to be is pushing out a hard poop when your whole groin area is in painful pain and the guy comes back from the hold and says someone will call me back and gives me my phone number with one wrong number in it and we argue about it and he finally agrees that my phone number is my phone number i can't make this stuff up but i try
By: via poetry falcon


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