poetry falcon's Post

birth and death of the snowblower: wife bought a brand new snowblower a few years ago with some kind of special deal when we had one child and we used it that winter but the next two winters found me shoveling instead not liking the thing at all and not really feeling like it was less work or helped my back since i still had to shovel a lot of stuff it couldn't handle so last winter we tried to sell it when there was still a good chance of lots of snow and we had several people look at it and lowball us so we gave up but this week she put it back on the craigslist because she is a craigslist grandmaster and had more lowballer but this morning a guy got off work from the airport and was looking for a snowblower for his daughter he came over right away the toddler was even awake yet and he started it and checked it out and bought it for the advertised price i helped him lift into the back of his truck and off he went and now we can use the money to scratch the surface of house repair etc debt and the farmer's almanac says we will get a lot of snow this winter so we'll probably need a new shovel
By: via poetry falcon


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