poetry falcon's Post

the horizon is a screeching situation of thought rocks dark dashing reflectors within the rules of mind changing moscow mules into repetitive tortoise hours pounding purity fish through the rendezvous prayer flower imitating the cracked corona marvel of variable sea calculators bathed in heaven fluff with liftoff shards and splash shot discs of extremely insistent bishops climbing star clouds to rule double duration the queen zeal severed and binding in edible morning glue collision amongst half the heat of broken drink colour playing leap themselves inward the activity of any kind sitting mixed and added to the cheating creek like a bowl of hundreds at the hydra lilt reciprocal frozen titanium ultimatum claims checkmate to your road rook within a mint mirror fang fringe or drift like master sharks around the vibrating slaughter jazz while king mixing silently strong answers to allow blood its chilling penumbra torch like apples at dawn drowning clues and moving repetitiously twenty kilometers closer to a foot of gin finding rock drumming moon prawns up the escarpment forking every ingredient upon the empire to phase halo uranus arcs into thinking shadowy storms actually overlap skorpion questions and cannot provoke the perfect crown
By: via poetry falcon


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