poetry falcon's Post

masculinity needs to be investigated since it has taken such a toxic form to thrust forward these suffering women and i admit that i know no women who do not have a story of me too and i've listened to them and cried and offered whatever support i can which feels none at all but i know an open ear is helpful to me but somewhere i wonder about all the mixed signals we send each other since i grew up very shy and subtle about my desire i was shamed and emasculated by women at times and felt like i should be much more forward which felt terrible to me and the little bit i tried it just felt wrong so i resigned to just be wrong and feel like a 'pussy' which is basically what i was called now knowing it was only insecurity making this shame and shaming so powerful on both ends but i remember an african american woman spiritual teacher who vehement that mothers and especially black mothers treat their young sons better she said it was rampant for them to be shamed and silenced and basically treated like horrible creatures so then of course what are they going to act like when eventually they believe that is true and this not so different from whay i'm reading about adhd children or spirited children being continualy told they are bad for being too energetic and lively etc and eventually they act out more and believe they are bad and it becomes a cycle that none of want for our society
By: via poetry falcon


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