poetry falcon's Post

growing up i would exceed expectiations in every science class without paying any attention i would watch 6 hours of stephen hawking explaining how the universe works i loved it all so much but as i've studied the texts of tibetan buddhism over the last eighteen years i've found them to be light years ahead of our western understanding and i've noticed our scientists newly discovering some of the things already known to the tibetans and ancient indians which brings me great joy and hope for our scientific community because i know the best scientists are very open to discovery and possibility and basically have some kind of shamanistic vibe although maybe that's not the right word but there are the other kinds of scientists as well the kind who are of the fundamentalist bent that we find in ever religion science being one of the religions in my opinion and these fundamentalists only measure things that are dead that they can see for themselves and prove for fact for certain and in this way the label scientific materialism has occured
By: via poetry falcon


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